domenica 31 agosto 2014

Day 1e day 2 risalendo verso NW

In risalita verso Trinidad, per il momento vento e mare favorevole...speriamo che continui cosi'

BV Angelo e Antonella da Stranizza

Route Cabedelo to Trinidad 2054 NM
Day 30-08-14
UTC Hour 12:00
Position 05 01 02 S 034 43 56 W
Course 02
Pressure 1014
Air Temperature 30
Water Temperature 31
Wind direction 100
Wind speed 15/20
Forecast wind 120 15/20
Apparent wind 20/23
Point of Sailing Beam reach
Miles last 24 hours 117 5 knot average
Mile to go 1937

Route Cabedelo to Trinidad 2054 nm
Day 31-08-14
UTC Hour 12:00
Position 03 17 53 S 036 06 53 W
Course 318
Pressure 1014
Air Temperature 30
Water Temperature 30
Wind direction 125
Wind speed 15/25
Apparent wind 170 22 knts
Forecast wind 125 15/25
Miles last 24 hours 136
Mile to go 1801

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